Hero brands get the full attention.
Once on top of mind or on top of search engine Hero brands get their huge share in sales.
Let us build your Hero brand together.

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Marketing for Hero brands

Welcome to Marketing For Heroes. We elevate your brand marketing to boost your Hero brand. Having worked with renowned companies like Disney, Aldi, Colruyt, Duvel, Total Energies, TheValueChain, BNP Paribas, and more, we bring a wealth of expertise across multiple industries. From entertainment and SAP consultancy to food retail and digital transformation, we’ve had the privilege of shaping marketing strategies for diverse sectors.

If you have a Hero brand, it is easier for your customers to mentally recognize your products or services. This recognition results in trust and more chance to do business with your customers.

We have recently created an innovative marketplace based on the best practices in the leading global companies. Select below your ideal marketing solution from our innovative marketplace and become Hero brand in your own market.

Challenge 1 – On top of Mind

Being on top of mind of your customers and of potential customers should be your first top priority. Once customers recognize or recall your brand, they will start to trust your brand more easily when purchasing products or services you offer. Especially in crowded markets with many suppliers, it is important to be chosen over competitors’ brands.

During our IdeaBrew Café we generate ideas for trending business names. We describe for what purposes the business name could be used, we blend in much more useful investment information like the market value of the website domain etc.

Having the strongest .COM domain helps any business to build a powerful digital Hero brand. You can find our selection of affordable .COM gems in one marketplace.

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Challenge 2 – On top of the Search Engine

Having a great .COM domain is a great start. Let us now take your website to the top of the search engines.

Being in the top in Search engines for important keywords in your business is crucial. The top 3 listings in the Search engines attract 60 up to 80 % of all search traffic. The rest of the pack has to share the remaining 20 – 40 % of all traffic… Some simple math to back this story up 🙂

We help our customers with the definition of their most important keywords and the implementation of SEO on-page and technical SEO improvements.

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Challenge 3 – On top of Emotional connection

Establishing an emotional connection between consumers and their Hero brands should be the goal for companies.

The mental availability of a brand determines if it stands out in comparison to its competitors. The more consumers interact with your brand, the more they remain loyal to your brand. People tap on average their smartphone over 2000 times each day. They consult their emails, sms messages, search engines, social media posts, banking apps and play games. Companies worldwide spend millions of dollars to build their own Apps and to advertise. This is a great but expensive way to connect non-emotionally with consumers.

We have developed an innovative Augmented Reality Game together with a professional gaming studio to help companies build the important emotional connection with their consumers. Consumers and other gamers now have the chance to interact with Hero brands while playing their popular AR Game on their smartphone.

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Marketing consultancy or interim management to support your brand marketing

The founder Tom managed marketing teams up to 10 FTE in the retail sector, pharmaceuticals industry, marketing agencies and IT consultancy firms.

We have supported companies with Hero brands in many industries. We built marketing strategies to place the Hero brands on top of mind, on top of the search engine and on top of emotional connection.

We also help to develop marketing strategies, sales strategies, budgets, organize physical and online customer events and help to create converting white papers.

Our Marketing Trends Podcast

More information

We provide solutions to companies who want to build their Hero brands and to marketing agencies who want to help their customers to build a Hero brand.